First make sure your Wifi System is properly installed. Click Here to visit the guide.
** Please turn off the breaker feeding your Modpool before performing any of these steps. **
Check Wired Connections on Pentair Control Panel
- Locate the Pentair Control Panel in the mechanical room
- Open the panel, then unscrew two screws at the top
- A circuit-board will fold out.
Make sure the wires are properly connected to their terminals.
Also make sure the wire colors correspond to their labelled spots
Check Wired Connections on Antennas
- Find the Antenna connected to your Pentair Control Panel in the mechanical room.
Press to remove the front cover and expose the circuitry - Please ensure the wires are properly connected to their terminals. Their order from left to right is: BLACK, GREEN, YELLOW, RED
Verify ID Numbers match on both Antennas
- With the Modpool-side Antenna still open, take note of the ID Number on the Yellow Sticker
- Find the House-side Antenna where it was installed.
View the backside - Take note of the ID Number on the Yellow Sticker
- Make sure both ID Numbers from steps 1 and 3 match